How Not To Be A Crap Physio aka Mastering Clinical Excellence

The Second Visit Courses

How Not To Be A Crap Physio aka Mastering Clinical Excellence

This workshop is for private practitioners who want to learn more about the art and the science of excellent clinical practice. If you can apply the skills that we will teach your work will be much more fulfilling and your caseload will improve.

This workshop is designed to bridge the gap between your knowledge, your clinical reasoning skills and then applying that to your consulting practice.

Participants will need to each bring one set of clinical notes from their caseload

The clinical focus will be on the typical caseload work that is seen in private practice in Australia.

Course Objectives

To teach how to deliver a great 1st visit in a typical private practice caseload


To understand more about the art and science of great consulting


To confidently choose the best treatment in the 1st consult using your Hx and examination as the framework


Increase your confidence to deliver key messages to your clients


Understand and learn ways to better plan future consults

The course will be interactive and will use case reviews where we will explore and challenge clinical knowledge, clinical thinking, and consulting skills. We will also provide ideas on how to continue this development with peers and audio recording.

Each participant needs to bring one complete set of de-identified clinical notes from their caseload.

These notes need to be from a patients’ that are currently treating. The notes should include any referral letter, treatment notes, exercise sheets, imaging reports and treatment plan records.

These will be used through the course to workshop the learning objectives.



Upcoming Courses


Feedback From Previous Participants

I found it extremely helpful and have already noticed a big difference in response from patients with the changes to questioning.


Practice Owner

Our last year’s new grad Emily came - I asked her yesterday how the course went and what she gave me back was total buy in. OMG what a relief. All of the months talking to the team about precisely all of these issues with minimal effect, yet she totally bought exactly the same messages from you! Thought you would be interested to know that it seems to be the ‘evidence’ you had that swayed her. Talking to Emily taught us something too - we are good at identifying the problems, less talented at giving structured feedback on the ‘how’, particularly in regards to the softer skills such as communication skills. So grateful for the opportunity to also improve our capacity there too. Looking forward to seeing the ongoing result of this great training, and especially wanted to thank you for offering it and the work you are doing to help private practices.


Practice Owner


The Art of Physiotherapy – Coming Soon